Adam Neate
Bio :
One could say that Adam embodies the definition of Street Art, all to himself. Adam paints – a lot. It’s like a kind of a therapy for him. He needs to paint and to let go of his work. Always spontaneous, in the moment of creation and without inhibition, the colors in his drawings are explosive and the lines come thick and fast. Adam does not set limits on his creativity or his style because his primary goal is to create without being tied to any particular style. One after the next, his works bear little resemblance other than the cardboard on which they live. But Adam knows how to take his time, too. From conception to creation, the shapes and scenes might come to life in a few minutes, or a few weeks. His new pieces, currently available at the excellent Elms Lester Gallery of London, combine spontaneity and movement of unparalleled depth. We are in the presence of a pioneer of the London graffiti and skate scenes, whose brand has already been associated with such names as Prada, Dr. Martens and Sprite…